The Dream of Her Life_peliplat
The Dream of Her Life_peliplat

The Dream of Her Life (2006)

None | Germany | German | 88 min
Directed by: Karl Kases

The Munich professional chef Walter Lenz is about to realize his lifelong dream: he is moving to Mallorca with his wife Hanna and daughter Lili, who has just graduated from high school, in order to open an exclusive restaurant in a fantastically situated finca on a mountain slope with sea views. However, when Walter unexpectedly dies of a heart attack, Hanna is left alone as a stranger in a foreign country with a whole host of problems: Her cooking skills are poor, the guests she was hoping for aren't coming and money is running out. Resigned, she decides to sell the house, but when the offers fall well short of the value, Hanna senses that she is being ripped off. Her fighting spirit awakens and she reopens the restaurant to the mocking smiles of her neighbors. Only the ship's cook Mati is impressed by her courage and hires a job in the kitchen. Thanks to his cooking skills and connections to the locals, the restaurant begins to flourish. One of the regular guests is Walter's Mallorcan friend Manolo, who grudgingly follows the unexpected upswing of the "Miramonte". Officially, Manolo pretends to be a helpful family friend, but behind the scenes he speculates that Hanna is running out of steam financially. With the shady bank director Kalterer and the real estate shark Lotz, Manolo is keen to grab Hanna's property, which will increase in value considerably after the construction of a tunnel. But with Matis active help and thanks to a conspiracy with Manolo's wife, Hanna can stand up to the speculators.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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