Altered by Elvis_peliplat
Altered by Elvis_peliplat

Altered by Elvis (2006)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 54 min
Directed by: Jayce Bartok, Tiffany Bartok

Altered By Elvis is a documentary exploration of lives deeply and permanently affected by Elvis Presley. As a society we know everything there is to know about Elvis Presley, but what about those he left behind? Altered By Elvis follows those who have been imprinted, fathered, fulfilled and even destroyed by the King of rock and roll. The love for Elvis is contagious, and everyone knows someone that claims to be, "Elvis' number ONE fan", but what if we dig much deeper to find the untold stories of the people he left behind... the ravages of pop culture. We will follow these individuals home and show the viewer their own lives; and how they, literally, walk with Elvis - in his shadow, with his ghost and in his light - still to this day. We will hear Larry Geller's recounting of styling Elvis' hair for the star's funeral and hear about the outrageous tales of devotion from fans ... and the reason why Jimmy HATES Elvis. Most certainly we will see what it is like to have been truly Altered By Elvis.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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