Legacy of Fear_peliplat
Legacy of Fear_peliplat

Legacy of Fear (2006)

TV-14 (US) | USA, Canada | English | 76 min
Directed by: Don Terry

A serial killer, never caught, leaves clues and messages signed '"BPS" after quickly murdering each man but torturing his girl to death. His last case is an exception, the detective in charge finds his wife murdered while his 7 year old daughter had to watch. Thirty years later, she's still obsessed by the case, which drove her dad insane, and a police detective herself. When the whole cycle starts again, she gets convinced it's not BPS but an ambitious copy-cat, but he certainly outsmarts her every time. He also makes clear she's to be his final kill. Meanwhile she alienates even colleagues with her arrogance and obsession, finally to be suspended as the FBI takes over.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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