The End of the Road_peliplat
The End of the Road_peliplat

The End of the Road (2006)

None | Egypt | Arabic | 105 min
Directed by: Amir Ramses

Seven years ago, when Salma was celebrating her birthday with a group of friends she caused the death of a girl who had stolen her boyfriend. Now Salma is a well-known television anchor who lives alone in Alexandria because her family lives in an Arab country. Young psychiatrist Khaled becomes Salma's neighbor, and gradually a love story is born between them. Suddenly she discovers that Khaled is the brother of the girl for whose death she is responsible. Did he appear in Salma's life to avenge the death of his sister? Or is it fate that is bringing them together, especially as she discovers that Khaled was very attached to his sister and that her death left him with a severe trauma for which he was hospitalized abroad. Salma becomes convinced that she is the only one capable of compensating him for the death of his sister. She is torn between confessing to her lover and keeping her guilt secret hoping that an opportunity will one day reveal the truth to him. However, there is a surprise that turns everything upside down.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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