Norman Waiting_peliplat
Norman Waiting_peliplat

Norman Waiting (2007)

None | USA | English | 117 min
Directed by: Travis Swartz

Norman Waiting is a sometimes romantic, often western, kind of Italian, comedy. Believing he has discovered his "one" and only true love Norman Taylor proposes marriage to girlfriend Kristie White. Expecting an existential, angels singing, life affirming "moment" to occur Norman is stunned to find what follows Kristie's "I will" is panic, profound doubt and a rush of 2nd thoughts. Now, an evening designed to produce a moment of supernatural romance becomes Norman's ridiculous quest to discover if this proposal is "meant to be" or a mistake that will doom him to a life without love. As the evening progresses Norman reveals to Kristie his darkest, dumbest, funniest, most disgusting personal secrets, habits, and philosophies; believing that her acceptance of him "warts, panic attacks, religious tendencies and all" will prove that she is "the one". What Norman discovers is that love, signs, and moments are not manufactured, they simply happen in unexpected times in unexpected ways.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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