Maré Capoeira_peliplat
Maré Capoeira_peliplat

Maré Capoeira (2006)

None | Brazil | Portuguese | 15 min
Directed by: Paola Barreto

Capoeira looks like a martial art, but it is a unique mix of acrobatics, song and music. This art form originated in Brazil during the days of slavery, when slaves used it to express their emotions. The sport is still very popular in Brazil, and 10-year-old Jaõ and his mother and father all practice it. They stand in a circle out in the street and take turns dancing in the middle. In his voice-over, João tells how the technique has been handed down in his family from generation to generation, and that he wants to become a Capoeira master, like his great-great-grandfather, his grandfather and his father. "It's the most fun thing to do in the world, and I practice every day." His nickname is Maré. He encounters a formidable opponent in the circle; her nickname is Tatuí.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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