Seducing Mr. Perfect_peliplat
Seducing Mr. Perfect_peliplat

Seducing Mr. Perfect (2006)

Not Rated (US) | South Korea, Hong Kong | Korean, English, Japanese | 107 min
Directed by: Sang-woo Kim

Korean Kim Min-june, while pondering over her recent break-up, bumps her car into American businessman Robin Heiden, who, as luck would have it, is her new boss. Unknowingly she pretends to not speak English, thinking this would be the last she would see of him. Robin Heiden has come to Korea to take over a company and she is convinced that he hates her. Between the obvious sparks, we see a bet emerge, where Min-june dares herself to seduce him and make him apologize for his behavior. Will she succeed in seducing him or will she once again get her heart broken?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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