Två bröder emellan_peliplat
Två bröder emellan_peliplat

Två bröder emellan (2004)

Btl (SE) | Sweden | Swedish | 120 min
Directed by: Krister Classon

The brothers Ingmar and Gustav Nilsson are running a motel and a shop where everything from car tires to fish nets can be bought. They're very unsuccessful, and Ingmar wants to sell the place, but Gustav doesn't. One day the municipality wants to buy their business buildings, but they refuse to tell why until they've bought it. Meanwhile, Ingmar wants to hire a woman that he can fall in love with and Lufsen, a dizzy craftsman, is trying to fix some sewage pipes in the kitchen.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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