While carrying out an inspection of a room, Detective Lulling uncovers photos of a man bound with handcuffs in a sexual situation. Meanwhile some of his men find sex toys, lubricant etc and crudely discuss how they are used.
Several prostitutes are shown, wearing skimpy outfits. Barbara's work outfit is little more than a bra and panties. She is seen in her sleepware too, which often shows her cleavage to maximum effect.
A man comes to a prostitute who gags him (fully clothed).
A young woman answers the door wearing a crop top without a bra. Her nipples show clearly.
Police talk about ladies who give "hand jobs for twenty-five dollars a pop."
A man has sex with a prostitute. They are both covered by a blanket but he thrusts violently and it is clear what is happening.
A man dances sensually with a woman, kissing her neck, holding her close.
A man uses the expression "I'd bang her".
A man lifts a woman onto a benchtop to have sex with her, both clothed. She wraps her legs around him and some grunting is heard, but no more is shown.
Barbara tells Jerry that she wants to have hot sex with him, but sex had been her job.