False Alarm_peliplat
False Alarm_peliplat

False Alarm (2006)

K-12 (GR) | Greece | Greek | 86 min
Directed by: Katerina Evangelakou

In the dead of night, under the shadow of eternal Acropolis, the annoying, piercing sound of a car alarm breaks the silence in a once-quiet Athenian neighbourhood. As the alarm keeps going off randomly for no apparent reason, summer's sweltering heat, paired with exhaustion and exasperation, start to get the best of the small community's inhabitants, especially the tenants of an otherwise ordinary apartment building. More and more, understanding gives way to intolerable nuisance, and before the clock strikes midnight, the unsuspecting occupants will find themselves on a collision course with heartbreak, distrust, violence, love, and even death. When will this terrible ordeal end?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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