Beautiful Daydreams_peliplat
Beautiful Daydreams_peliplat

Beautiful Daydreams (2007)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 73 min
Directed by: Gabriel R. Asoka

Two quirky young Asian girls, Sunday and Deja, discover that the world around them is empty and meaningless. We peek into their colorful yet mundane lives, only to discover that the once-buoyant Sunday is now depressed because she has no creative inspiration. Sunday, an aspiring writer, decides she must discover the meaning of life so she can write her greatest book ever, and she convinces her whimsical friend Deja to go along with her. They decide that the best way to discover the meaning of life is to ask those who seem to know-gurus and wise people. Deja remembers a man who can give them a list of modern gurus, and they drift off to a strange sleep after a reverie on dreams. The next morning, the girls begin their fanciful journey. They find that the man who holds the list of gurus is quite cryptic himself. Once they pass his test, the adventure begins! They meet with a few of these comical "wise people", only to discover the complexity and randomness of life itself... wisdom may be not what it seems! Their search leads them on a journey to an enchanted land, with a fairy queen and a super guru, where they learn of Mother Nature's ways. When they finally get back home, they find that the surreal world has followed them into Sunday's living room, and they enter a new dimension where anything is possible!

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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