The Art of Kissing_peliplat
The Art of Kissing_peliplat

The Art of Kissing (2008)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 73 min
Directed by: Joseph Campo

Life hasn't been easy for Arthur Bennett. Hoping to escape an over-protective mother and an unforgiving adolescent Caste system, he looks to make a fresh start when he goes away to college. Unfortunately, when his free-spirited roommate learns that he's never kissed a girl, he posts Art's plight on the Internet. Fearing the worst, Art's life takes a turn for the absurd as he unexpectedly finds himself the object of attraction to a host of pretty co-eds. He also finds that he does not enjoy this swerve of events. With some comical advice and a little luck, Art manages to navigate through his new found popularity and freshman misadventures into the arms of a normal girl for his very "memorable" first kiss.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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