Bing slamet setan djalanan_peliplat
Bing slamet setan djalanan_peliplat

Bing slamet setan djalanan (1972)

None | Indonesia | Indonesian |
Directed by: Hasmanan

In the gang of Death Club led by Bing (Bing Slamet) aka Boss, entered children from various groups. Some are rascals, there are others who join in, there are those who lack the attention of their parents. Their work is to disturb people on the road. One day there was a fight between Death Club and the Hungry Tiger gang. In this fight a policeman was shot by Benjamin. All were arrested except Boss and Benjamin. In custody Vivi (Vivi Sumanti), a rich man's son, tries to commit suicide due to shame. He could then be arrested outside because of the efforts of Eddy Sud, a student who lives in the Vivi family. Coming to this house is also Boss and Benjamin. Benyamin claimed he shot the police here. Boss and Benjamin then turn themselves in. The film closes with a farewell party Vivi who is going to school abroad. Boss sings the song "Back to the right way".

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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