A Boyfriend for My Wife_peliplat
A Boyfriend for My Wife_peliplat
Play trailer

A Boyfriend for My Wife (2008)

Atp (AR) | Argentina | Spanish | 100 min
Directed by: Juan Taratuto

Caught in the chaos of his wife La Tana's perpetual bad mood, El Tenso looks for a way out. To avoid asking for a divorce, he enlists the help of legendary ladies' man Cuervo Flores to seduce and convince La Tana to leave him. This unconventional plot about the complexities of love, with funny surprises and unexpected twists, will test whether Cuervo's charm can be the remedy for El Tenso's sentimental problems. A blockbuster romantic comedy starring the funny duo of Adrián Suar and Valeria Bertuccelli.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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