The Blood Grinder_peliplat
The Blood Grinder_peliplat

The Blood Grinder (2008)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 71 min
Directed by: Dave Conte, Nicholas Schwartz

The streets are unsafe. One by one, a relentless serial killer known only as the Blood Grinder strikes, leaving no survivors in his wake. Now, one man will fight back. That man is Ronnie America. On their wedding day, during a passionate celebration of their love, Ronnie's wife is taken from him and murdered by the Blood Grinder. Facing a slow police investigation spearheaded by Detective Cliff Thompson and The Rookie, Ronnie decides to take the law into his own hands. But he won't do it alone, for he is helped on his way by Mammary Jones, a large-breasted prostitute with nothing left to live for.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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