Jau Tithe Khau_peliplat
Jau Tithe Khau_peliplat

Jau Tithe Khau (2007)

U (IN) | India | Marathi | 125 min
Directed by: Abhay Kirti, Ramesh Kode

Corruption is everywhere and rules the very fiber of the country. It is a problem that has and will continue to affect all. Especially for Mukunda and his friends for whom there is no respite. Despite holding various degrees, Mukunda and his friends remain unemployed. However, he doesn't give up easily; hence he decides to teach the corrupt officials a lesson and hits upon a plan. He gets a well sanctioned from the Govt. The Well is dug and ready when one fine day, the well is stolen. All hell breaks loose as the police are shocked and rattled, the ministers and the bureaucrats are left shaken.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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