O Mito do Afogamento_peliplat
O Mito do Afogamento_peliplat

O Mito do Afogamento (2009)

None | Brazil | Portuguese | 10 min
Directed by: Steven Richter

A husband and wife are beginning to drift apart. On a rainy night they lie in bed talking. The wife is tense and withdrawn; while the husband tries to close the gap between them with words. He wants to know more about a story she once told him, of a woman who drowned at sea, on a beach surrounded by people. The details do not fit. How did the woman drown? Why did no one hear her? As their dialogue unfolds, the incident and the wife's telling of it begin to blur, until the real subject of the story becomes the couple themselves.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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