
Flawed (2008)

None | USA | English | 104 min
Directed by: Mark Kagan, Nathaniel Ross

Although Nicholas Pierce may never see the sun again, he is the only person that can shed light on a spree of abductions that he is responsible for. There's only one problem, ... He hasn't spoken a word since his arrest. Without so much as a single body recovered, the city of Milwaukee, along with the victim's families, have been in the dark for almost 4 years... Until now. He's finally ready to uncover the gruesome details behind each murder with one catch - His former college professor (Phillip Bradley - Criminal Psychology) must execute the confessional while accompanied by a few of his current students. Who can determine the motive behind this confessional? What can be expected in return? When does the law become too lenient? Where can you turn when the law turns on you? And Why were the students involved with this confession, specifically chosen?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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