Indie Film Blogger Road Trip_peliplat
Indie Film Blogger Road Trip_peliplat

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip (2009)

None | USA | English | 95 min
Directed by: Sujewa Ekanayake

In Summer 2008 Sujewa Ekanayake travels to North Carolina, Atlanta, New York City, Washington, D.C., and Silver Spring, Maryland to interview 14 bloggers about their participation in the world of independent film blogging. Several matters related to independent filmmaking, distribution, and blogging about same are discussed, including: the concept of the community of indie film bloggers and how that translates into the real world, why people blog, benefits and drawbacks of blogging, the future of blogging as it relates to the independent film world, favorite and useful blogs, and areas where the community may need to make improvements. The documentary provides a snapshot of a creative community and a practice at a certain point in time and celebrates a new way of discussing movies, promoting movies and the building and maintaining of networks that come into being through shared interests and the internet.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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