Breaking Boundaries_peliplat
Breaking Boundaries_peliplat

Breaking Boundaries (2008)

E (GB) | Ireland | English | 53 min
Directed by: Paul Davey, Shimmy Marcus

The words Ireland and Cricket have not normally been associated together. Six remarkable weeks at the cricket world cup saw that change forever and Ireland took its place among the cricketing nations of the world. Off the field, twist after twist confronted the team as the story unfolded. Take a group of part time sportsmen from a divided country, send them into battle against the worlds greatest cricketing nations, have them questioned in a murder investigation and then discover peace has been brokered in their homeland. This is the adventure that befell these underdogs. Through exclusive behind the scenes footage, this film follows the drama of their incredible journey and encapsulates heroic themes of the outsider, national unity, and international intrigue.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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