Know Thy Enemy_peliplat
Know Thy Enemy_peliplat

Know Thy Enemy (2009)

R (US) | USA | English | 86 min
Directed by: Lee Cipolla

Nemesis is the hottest rapper in rap's hottest city; Miami, the 305. But he has a little secret...he's not really a rapper. As a boy the artistic Nate Harris drew cartoons and dreamed of changing the world. A record label discovers Nate's talent, and offers to make him a star, as a rapper. They create Nemesis, a Hip Hop gangster designed to sell records and spit hate. Fame quickly follows, but at a price. The fans demand true street cred, and to get it, Nate's label turns a fellow rapper and former childhood friend against Nate, spawning a rap feud. The feud quickly escalates into a war, and Nate is trapped in the reality of the fiction he has created. Nate is faced with a choice: Either become a superstar by giving Hip-Hop what it wants; a war between two rap rivals, or, give it what it needs; destroy his real rival, the fictional character and become a true hero; he has the ability to save hip hop...but can he save himself?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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