
Glass (2008)

None | USA | English | 45 min
Directed by: Joshua Caleb

The Fletchers live in a middle class, Floridian community. Nathan, a moderately successful real-estate agent, works at home, while his family is changing. Jenna, his only child, is commuting to a college 45 minutes from home with little career direction, and is involved in a relationship that is bringing up questions in both her and her father. Andrew is Jenna's boyfriend of two years, and like Jenna, is a freshman. Nathan is coping with an empty house, and Jenna is trying to establish where "home" is. Andrew lives on campus, while she stays at home to spend time with her dad, however, part of her wants to live in a dorm to be nearer Andrew. Jenna enjoys photography, but his attempts to help develop it into a career are annoying her. Constantly working, and lacking a social life, Nathan is incessantly trying to find ways to reshape his mundane life. He knows that he needs to encourage Jenna's independence, but at the same time, he wants the closeness they should have as a family. As tension builds, the memory of Carla, Nathan's late wife, now dead for 12 years, begins to resurface.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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