The Fame of Our Fathers_peliplat
The Fame of Our Fathers_peliplat

The Fame of Our Fathers (2008)

None | USA | English | 156 min
Directed by: Mike Church

The Fame of Our Fathers CD-Documentary America is struggling with soaring unemployment, inflation and bank failures. There is massive war debt and huge dissatisfaction with our trade agreements. Only this isn't happening in 2008 it happened in 1787! These events and others drove the Founders to try and frame a new government to deal with these challenges we call the result of their work: The Constitution. The Constitutional Convention was not billed as a constitutional convention at all. Our founders were not simply selfless statesmen but men who aspired to the greatness of immortality. The Constitution wasn't a "miracle" but the product of a few brilliant mens plans. Most Americans are inspired by the Founders, shouldn't we know who inspired them? The Fame of Our Fathers tells these and other patriots important stories.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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