Betty I Am_peliplat
Betty I Am_peliplat

Betty I Am (2012)

Unrated (US) | USA | English | 93 min
Directed by: Jose A. Renteria Jr.

"Betty I Am", an inner city Dark Comedy/ Drama and character piece, is set within the burrows of East Los Angeles. A brother and sister reunite following a five-year hiatus and are forced to stumble towards reconciliation. Paul, a drunken vagrant, finds only awkward inconvenience as Betty is unwittingly thrust into his care. Forced to contemplate the self-afflicted death of her father in solitude; Betty's naive optimism becomes sanctuary for both brother and sister. The realities of street existence have smashed Paul's resolve, and purpose now lies at the bottom of each dissolute liquor bottle. A middle-aged hooker provides the only model of feminine grace for the disgruntled twenty-five year old. Torn between her childhood ideals and the bleak reality of the present, Betty flails in the wake of her day-to-day indecision's. The state of Paul's indifference is tested and ultimately drained by the tenacity of her positive outlook. In the end, the two are given a chance to begin anew with a genuine potential for success.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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