Rodanbhara Basanta_peliplat
Rodanbhara Basanta_peliplat

Rodanbhara Basanta (1974)

Not Rated (US) | India | Bengali | 138 min
Directed by: Sushil Mukherjee

A young woman dies of a botched up abortion. A young and idealist assistant of the public prosecutor takes up the case. In the last statement she doesn't blame any one, but to the sympathetic lawyer, she asks to inform a certain person Karuna who runs a destitute women's home. No clue is found at the home, and no one even accepts to know of the woman, Shipra. The lawyer isn't convinced. He keeps a tab and finds one of the girls of the home visiting a hotel on business. The Astt Commissioner of the Police too is in the racket. He makes a mistake, a casual letter in a file implicating him and Karuna, falls in hand of the boss. He commits suicide but Karuna is arrested and then the lawyer finds that she is his wife, who had suddenly disappeared.Her story unfolded- how from a girl of slum, whom Somenath loved and wanted to marry, became a Bai-ji and then later fell into flesh business - when Somenath again found and despite all still married her. Why she left him and then how she became the Madam and who were behind it all?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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