All for You_peliplat
All for You_peliplat

All for You (2009)

None | USA | English | 80 min
Directed by: Larry Rosen

After living with his grandparents for the past 18 months, Chuck returns home. He reconnects with his lifelong best friend, Joe. The two begin to hang out together with Joe's younger sister Rebecca tagging along as a third wheel. Chuck develops a crush on Rebecca and likewise, she develops a crush on Chuck. Even Joe's girlfriend Samantha thinks that it is fine that Chuck and Rebecca like each other and should be able to date. But Joe, being an overprotective brother, refuses to allow the two to date, and forbids his "little sister" from thinking of Chuck in such a manner. Joe does all he can to make sure the two are not together, losing sight of everything else around him. Once the forces of love and obsession are in motion, someone won't survive.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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