Sexy and the Pulpit_peliplat
Sexy and the Pulpit_peliplat

Sexy and the Pulpit (2006)

None | USA | English | 9 min
Directed by: Jeneen Robinson

Sexy and the Pulpit is a comedic drama that tells the story of a Reverend by day and a sexy single female vigilante by night. She's spiritual, yet unorthodox, and has special gifts from God. She followed her call from God by enlisting the understanding and the doctrine and process of the church. Her ministerial training ends with an appointment from the Bishop to pastor a church. However, the church has trouble accepting such a young, hip, unorthodox preacher. She drives a motorcycle, listens to hip hop, and wears young, hip clothing. She struggles with what religious people thinks she "ought" to be and who she really is. Just like everyone else, she has basic human temptations and desires. Yet, she resolves her life to the ministry by her eccentric dress and lifestyle. Her spiritual gifts of healing, discernment and prophesy are undeniable; therefore she's obligated to the work of the Almighty. She is the angel of the night who aids people in trouble. People on the street often find her approachable and they feel comfortable coming to her with their problems. They reveal to her their deepest, darkest selves. Unbeknownst to them she is a preacher and is ready to help anyone in need.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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