Below the Beltway_peliplat
Below the Beltway_peliplat

Below the Beltway (2010)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 96 min
Directed by: Dave Fraunces

Paul Gibson, a Capitol Hill lobbyist, loses his clients as a result of a YouTube video gone viral. During an alcohol-infused hookup with Anne, an aide to a U.S. Senator, the desperate Paul learns that the Senator has been indiscreet with a high-school intern. Paul figures that by bringing down a Senator, he can resurrect his own reputation. He enlists the help of Luke, an idealistic new lobbyist working with the Senator, continues to see Anne, and tries to piece together the identity of the intern. While Anne hopes her attraction to Paul is mutual, the Senator gets wind of Paul's investigation. All roads lead to a Sunday morning talk show. Will Paul get his groove back?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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