Ojos que no ven_peliplat
Ojos que no ven_peliplat

Ojos que no ven (2009)

None | Argentina | Spanish | 75 min
Directed by: Ana Cacopardo, Andrés Irigoyen

Impacts the sensitivity with which the issue of human rights violations was addressed in a handful of prisons in the province of Buenos Aires and Rawson, from the story of life stories marked by the confinement they achieve a much more moving arrival - and, at times, heartbreaking - than any numerical statistic. Filmed in a dozen Buenos Aires prisons and police stations (Magdalena, Campana, Los Hornos, Bahía Blanca, etc.) and in Rawson, between 2005 and 2006, Ojos que no ven saw its root when the Committee against Torture, of the Commission for the Memory of the Province of Buenos Aires, carried out inspections in penitentiary units.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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