Made in America_peliplat
Made in America_peliplat

Made in America (2009)

None | USA | English | 49 min
Directed by: Michael Infante, Jess Thoubboron

John could be considered the average American: he proudly runs his own business, believes in a strong work ethic, and is on a journey to discover his beliefs. Approached by everyone from a mainstream political pundit to an esoteric conspiracy theorist, he is bombarded by their ideas and desires to shape his views. At the same time, a developing international news story threatens his beloved American lifestyle. John's farcical odyssey details the battle that all Americans face in the modern age of information glut and constant entertainment: will he triumph over or submit to the stream of pleasurable propaganda?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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