
Charlie (2011)

None | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Vincent Escobar, Mike Ramirez

This is a love story about a young woman named Katie and the two men she shares her heart with, Charlie and Bobby. Katie and Bobby are high school sweet hearts with a twist of infidelity on Bobby's behalf. Katie is torn about her relationship with Bobby. She has left him in the past only to find her going back. After leaving him a second time, she finds herself unwilling to open her heart to another man, until a Christmas party has her meeting, Charlie. Charlie is also no stranger to a broken heart, until he meets, Katie. Charlie and Katie begin their courtship, but Bobby wants her back. Katie is torn with her love for both men. Charlie gets diagnosed with a terminal illness and Katie must decide who she loves more. Who will Katie choose? Will Charlie survive? Will Bobby win her heart back? How will it end?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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