Mother Approved_peliplat
Mother Approved_peliplat

Mother Approved (2010)

None | USA | English | 20 min
Directed by: Kasi Brown, Brandon Walter

A sketch comedy web series helmed by Kasi Brown and Brandon Walter. And when we say helmed, we mean produced, written, directed, lit, shot, edited, propped, crafted and sometimes acted. The cast is comprised of various talented Upright Citizen's Brigade trained make-believers. The sketches are about everyday people in weird situations and weird people in everyday situations. From real life 'Phobias' and the irrationality provoked by them, to a 'Bluetooth Asshole' with a futuristic headset who is Omni-connected to the social Internet, yet removed from society itself. Mother Approved digs into what motivates an individual's behavior and delights in parodying it. What causes the symptoms that we all react to; pettiness, jealousy, rage? All of it. That's what Mother Approved's interested in.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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