Brick by Brick_peliplat
Brick by Brick_peliplat

Brick by Brick (2009)

None | USA | English | 114 min
Directed by: Paula J. Terry

Brick by Brick is a modern dramedy. Just as someone can help to tear your wall of life down one brick at a time, you can also rebuild into a more fortified structure one brick at a time. The main character, Shelia (She-Lee-ah) is confronted with and addresses the importance of maintaining positively intact mental health, and how not to be afraid to get help (professional) in a time of crisis. Our thinking is: Prayer is good, however, getting counseled should not hurt. This film shows that Shelia cannot catch a break if she tried. She learns that when family members and work-mates have it out for you, you can't do enough to get even with them. So, just stand back and watch Karma unfold.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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