Life in a Day_peliplat
Life in a Day_peliplat
Play trailer

Life in a Day (2011)

PG-13 (US) | UK, USA | English, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish, Indonesian, Balinese, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Catalan, Dutch, Bengali, Maasai, Hindi, Arabic, Quechua, Russian | 95 min
Directed by: Tegan Bukowski, Loressa Clisby, Kevin Macdonald, Hiroaki Aikawa, Natalia Andreadis

What do you get when you ask the people of the world to chronicle a single day in their lives? You get 80,000 submissions, 4500 hours of footage, from 192 countries. Kevin Macdonald has taken this raw material, all shot on July 24, 2010, and created a 90-minute paean to what it means to be human in the world today.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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