Play trailer

Luna (2014)

15 (GB) | UK | English | 106 min
Directed by: Dave McKean

Grant and Christine are still struggling with the storm of grief following the death of their baby. They visit an old friend, Dean, with his new girlfriend Freya, in their isolated house by the sea. Dean tries but fails to control his drinking. Freya worries about the age difference between her and Dean. Christine confesses her secrets to Dean, upsetting his comfortably stable world of escapist fantasy and children's books. Over a long weekend, old loves, losses and resentments are revisited and the life of the dead child is lived out in a series of strange, hallucinatory dreams. Luna is a fantasy film about reality that uses cinematic imaginative language to portray the tangible and mundane alongside the fantastical and fleeting elements of life. The film combines live action with the unique animation and graphics of Dave McKean.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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