My New Life_peliplat
My New Life_peliplat

My New Life (2010)

None | USA | English | 80 min
Directed by: Kevin Rhoades

A happy couple rejoices at the birth of their son. One big problem, their son is her ex-husband Rex Collins is a talented yet tormented artist on the verge of his big break when he discovers his wife Lisa is having an affair with their mutual friend Ray. When Rex walks in on Lisa and Ray in the act of lovemaking a fight between Ray and Rex ends up with Rex being killed. Ray and Lisa move forward with their life getting married and having a child. Rex is reincarnated as the child. However, his second chance at life is tormented childhood waiting for the day he will be a man and can exact his revenge on Lisa and Ray. It's a modern day story of Oedipus Rex.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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