My Sleeping Lover_peliplat
My Sleeping Lover_peliplat

My Sleeping Lover (2008)

PG (AU) | Egypt | Arabic | 95 min
Directed by: Ahmad El-Badri

Ramez in the first scene sets the story line: He promises to tell the audience a weired story about How he learned about problems boys & girls face finding their dream girl / boy , and wonders about How do we make that choice? He confesses that his main fault is that he is (A DROPSH!) as in not Diplomatic, He can not lie even a white little lie, and How he thinks this fault in his character makes him feel he will never meet his dream girl! when he meets Nesma a fat girl whose fault is that her only way to get over her worries by eating and eating! & worries that she would never find anyone to love her. in an accident of fate, Ramez finds his dream girl in Nesma! but not exactly the one everyone sees! Will that stay for long? is this possible? while everyone thinks Ramez went crazy, He finally finds true love even if the world does not agree.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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