Bachao - Inside Bhoot Hai..._peliplat
Bachao - Inside Bhoot Hai..._peliplat

Bachao - Inside Bhoot Hai... (2010)

A (IN) | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Shyam Ramsay

Rumours say that a year back some body was murdered at Blue Roof Guest House. After that incident people believed that, the guest House was haunted and spooky. The guest house Manager Waghmare (Sadashiv Amrapurkar) is sure that this guest house is a den of laughing ghosts and lurking spirits. Sahil and Rakesh are best friends and are bored and frustrated trying their luck in bollywood. Sahil wants to become a famous writer while Rakesh believes that he has it in him to be Bollywood's top director. Anu is Sahil's girlfriend and is desperate to marry him so they go and see financer, Mungi lal (Tiku Talsania), who is a jeweler. Mungi Lal has a pretty but silly daughter Sakshi who has always wanted to be a movie star. Anu arranges a meeting between Sakshi and Rakesh who convince her to become the producer of a film that Rakesh will direct and Sahil will write. And so the entire unit comes to Blue Roof guest house to shoot an authentic horror film for Sakshi. However Waghmare doesn't give them permission to shoot there as he says this guest is a nest of ghosts who will not let them shoot in peace. While shooting begins in full swing bit by bit Waghmare's warnings start coming true.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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