The Street Project_peliplat
The Street Project_peliplat

The Street Project (2009)

None | Netherlands | Dutch | 117 min
Directed by: Lester van der Bel

The Street Project tells the story of two journalism students, Oscar and Michael, who sit in the pit after heavy criticism from their teacher for their video report. To still make it through their year, they decide to go into an Amsterdam neighborhood where a a group of street kids are active. Their goal is to both capture the street kids themselves, as the influence of them on local residents and to display that in their film. Through several interviews with this population group it gets clear that the seriousness of the situation is greater than they had ever imagined. Meanwhile, the students become increasingly involved with the neighborhood and its residents. Eventually it's no longer just about a good grade, but about a groundbreaking report.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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