Wir waren in Berlin_peliplat
Wir waren in Berlin_peliplat

Wir waren in Berlin (1973)

None | East Germany | German | 49 min
Directed by: Ursula Demitter, Joachim Hadaschik, Alfons Machalz, Heinz Müller, Kurt Plickat

A film about the 10th World Festival of Youth and Students in the GDR, which took place for the second time since 1951. Around 26,000 participants from 140 countries took part in the nine days of the event and around 8 million visitors came to the capital. Beat and rock music as well as songs from singing clubs were performed on the stage. Questions of peace, friendship and solidarity were discussed in discussion forums, with Alexanderplatz becoming the largest forum during the times of the Eastern treaties and détente policy. Visits to memorials in Buchenwald and Treptow, but also meetings with citizens in Karl-Marx-Stadt, in a steelworks and with farmers were part of the extensive program of the World Festival. The "Walter Ulbricht Stadium" was renamed the "Stadium of World Youth" at short notice, and the big closing event took place here in the form of a colorful "sports show". The film also documents the traditional "Carnival Parade of World Youth" and a "Great Run of International Solidarity".

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