Moner Manush_peliplat
Moner Manush_peliplat
Play trailer

Moner Manush (2010)

None | India, Bangladesh | Bengali | 150 min
Directed by: Goutam Ghose

A poet and singer Lalon Fakir who belongs to a cult called baul and who believes and inculcates that the value of a human being is above the narrow belief of religions. The movie depicts his life from his young age. Lalon was a born Hindu and happened to be a beautiful singer and had to accompany a group for a pilgrimage where he was believed to die out of a severe illness. Afterward he was rescued and saved by a Muslim family. There he came across a Fakir known as Siraj Sai who inspired him to a new life and Lalon was beginning a eternal journey to quest his own soul. Once he tried to go back to his original family & eventually was rejected for his company with Muslims. Thus the story of a great poet & singer and his quest unfolds.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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