Anonymous (Street Meat)_peliplat
Anonymous (Street Meat)_peliplat

Anonymous (Street Meat) (2012)

None | USA | English | 4 min
Directed by: Migdia Skarsgård Chinea

Sci-fi. Set in a psychiatrist's office, Dr. Wolf (played by Ruben Rabasa), where he is conversing with Megan McPherson (played by Josie Martineaux1an affordability accumulator (AA), suspected of being a prostitute. Her name is anonymous, because the controlling corporates -- banks and pharmaceuticals have stolen her identity and assigned her a number. 'anonymous (street meat)' is what people become when they drink Hellsy Sip and lose their identity to a small priestly caste of seers with access to the ultimate source of knowledge, and the rest of humanity simply tools in their vast schemes. The future could be a digitally supercharged version of the distant past: ancient Egypt multiplied by the power of Facebook. Producer/Director/Writer Migdia Chinea, UCLA MFA Theater, Film,Television and Digital Media. Spring 2012

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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