Missing 44: The Final Stage_peliplat
Missing 44: The Final Stage_peliplat
Play trailer

Missing 44: The Final Stage (2010)

None | Japan | Japanese | 97 min
Directed by: Yasushi Koshizaka

Miho, a teenage girl, is kidnapped by a sex trafficking ring and trained as a sex slave. She is left unsold at an auction and is on the verge of being "disposed of," but is saved by a man named Yamamoto, who has been spying on the trafficking organization in search of his missing lover. Meanwhile, Izumi, Asuka, and Saki, who were purchased at the auction, are victimized by perverted customers. Yamamoto kidnaps a buyer named Arikawa who won the bid for Izumi. Yamamoto threatens the organization, but the operation backfires and he is captured along with Miho. Miho, Yamamoto, and Izumi are gathered in an underground execution site by the school and are made to participate in an online murder show using a high-voltage current stick. Who will kill their friends to survive? The last game has begun.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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