Day of Happiness_peliplat
Day of Happiness_peliplat

Day of Happiness

None | 110 min
Directed by: Ivan Fíla
This title has not premiered yet

A film about the golden era of "bigbeat" in Czechoslovakia, the staggering success of the songs "Já budu chodit po spickách" and "Povídej", about bleakness and depression in the Husák-era normalization period and especially about love. Inspired by the love of singer 'Petr Novák' and actress Eva Jakoubková, by their bohemian lifestyle, alcohol, despair and premature death. The story of a man who wrote three great songs at the beginning of his career, performed in the limelight of fame and, after August 1968, never found his way back.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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