Behind the Eight Ball_peliplat
Behind the Eight Ball_peliplat

Behind the Eight Ball (2010)

None | Canada | English | 102 min
Directed by: Mike Graveline

Sam Evans, a thirty-something coffee shop owner, is shocked to discover that his long lost father Robert wants to rekindle a relationship with him after abandoning him and his mother thirty-one years previous. Their journey begins at the local pool circuit level, playing a doubles tournament in a bar. This soon escalates as Sam finds himself proving his love for his father after a terminal illness renders his father incapacitated and unable to compete in the World Pool tournament, a high-stakes and well-known nationwide tournament, a tournament his father was never able to win. It is written as a high stakes drama with numerous attempts at comic relief. It takes us on an emotional roller coaster with the ultimate goal defining what it truly means to be a family.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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