Jan Mesdag zingt Brel_peliplat
Jan Mesdag zingt Brel_peliplat

Jan Mesdag zingt Brel (2008)

AL (NL) | Netherlands | Dutch, English | 59 min
Directed by: Emma Westermann

In the mid-eighties, Dutch singer Jan Mesdag starred in musicals and variety acts in both Amsterdam and New York. He performed with notable artists and received critical acclaim for his voice. His star was rising, but his career came to a sudden end. Jan found out he was HIV-positive. Facing death, Jan decided to make a longtime dream come true. Recording an album with songs of Jacques Brel had always been on his mind. The album "Jan Mesdag sings Brel" was released just two months before his death in 1988.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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