The Road to Independence: The Movie_peliplat
The Road to Independence: The Movie_peliplat

The Road to Independence: The Movie (2011)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Mike Church

When Thomas Jefferson, rode on his white horse to Independence Hall on 4 July 1776. Declaration of Independence in hand, people lined the streets of Philadelphia and cheered. Then, once inside the chamber, Jefferson and the Founders posed for pictures while each stood in line behind John Hancock to sign the Declaration. America was born. It's a nice story but it's not true. The story of a rag tag group of men who never met one another yet shared a common bond: a thirst for Independence! This is the true, tragic yet ultimately triumphant story of the Declaration of Independence and the men who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their scared honor to bring it to life. Thomas Jefferson and his Patriot friends in VA find they are not alone in opposition against King George III but before they can mobilize to declare their independence they'll have to convince their reluctant countrymen who oppose Independence nearly as forcefully as the British. Will the colonies unite in declaring Independence or will states turn against one another and fight each other. In a race against time our Patriot fathers defy the odds to secure enough votes to Declare Independence.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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