The Price of Freedom: A Solidarity Story_peliplat
The Price of Freedom: A Solidarity Story_peliplat

The Price of Freedom: A Solidarity Story (2011)

None | Canada, Poland | English | 85 min
Directed by: Adam Bialo

Focusing on the birth of the Solidarity movement across Poland and my father Krzysztof Bialo's involvement in the anti communist revolution that changed Eastern Europe. The film follows the history of Poland from World War II up until the first free elections in the late 1980's. Interwoven with the historical aspect is my father's personal journey starting with his childhood, acceptance as a member of Solidarity, his arrest after the declaration of Martial Law and eventually our family's emigration to Canada. This personal and historical documentary also features viewpoints from other family members and political activist's involved with Solidarity reflecting on Krys' life and the revolution.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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