Caught Between Two Worlds_peliplat
Caught Between Two Worlds_peliplat

Caught Between Two Worlds (2011)

None | Hungary | Hungarian | 67 min
Directed by: Viktor Oszkar Nagy

Lia, Ahmed, Bebe and Usama, came to Hungary from different parts of the world and they are now in a Hungarian refugee camp. All of them have left their homeland for different reasons. Wars, family dramas, serious physical and psychological traumas drove them away, with their faces still carrying the story of their suffering, their bodies still bearing the traces of violence. Soon they have to leave the camp and start the real living in an unknown country whose language they can hardly speak. Will they be able to settle down in a strange land? This film is a dramatic journey into the depths of being a refugee, and it shows us what it feels like when you have to start everything from scratch in a country unknown to you.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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