The Julian Paradox_peliplat
The Julian Paradox_peliplat

The Julian Paradox (2010)

None | Australia | English | 58 min
Directed by: Liam Firmager

A story of the love between a father and daughter, separated by 2,000 years. Rural Britain 1943, the discovery of a naked stranger with a gunshot wound. tending his wounds, Dr Julia Kayser is fascinated by his contradictions. Police capture a second stranger and they join forces to protect Julia from violent criminals. Traumatic visions from a distant past hint at the unbelievable link between father and daughter. 'Cris' is Gaius Crastinus, of the famous Tenth Legion. 'Max', the General, Gaius Julius Caesar! A sinister-looking albino Druid arrives looking for Julia, claiming a prophecy. The chanting Druid; naked victim; two Romans in full regalia and the circle of stones. Senior Constable, weapon drawn steps forward. The stand-off, threatening Europe's destiny, deepens with Julia's emergence.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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